Misc Linkage

Studies indicate that folate may help with depression and mental issues.

Thomas Jefferson discusses the influence of Biblcal law on English Common Law, stating that a great deal of common law was in effect before Christianity came to Britian. Interesting is the observation: In truth, the alliance between Church and State in England has ever made their judges accomplices in the frauds of the clergy;

Speaking of mixing religion and politics, how about an extremist example. The BBC reports that the Lord’s Resistance Army continues to abduct, rape and enslave children. Truly disgusting what Babylon the Great does under Satan’s influence.

Links from dangerousmeta.


My Buddy Chad

A couple of weeks ago my buddy Chad and his wife had a daughter, named Vanessa. Here’s a pic of me holding Vanessa:

Last week Chad was in a bad car accident and spent a few days in the hospital. Here is the wonderfully large needle they put in his arm for an IV:

I’m happy to say that everyone is home from the hospital and recovering well.

Between Chad and my friend Steve, I’ve spent way too much time in hospitals this spring.


The Jesus Movement

I just finished watching a show on PBS titled Peter and Paul, the Christian Revolution. Interesting show, the episode I watched covered the time from 36 CE to 70 CE and drew in accounts from the Jewish historian Josephus along with other historians to fill out the biblical accounts.

Of course, the show presented some interesting takes on the Biblical account itself. It highlighted the division in the congregations between the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem and the Gentile Christians. Instead of using the term Christians, it called them Jesus followers and the Jesus movement. The show hinted at a speculative alternative history if such a large division hadn’t existed between the Jewish Christians and the Gentile converts. Another interesting view was the portayal of the events with the Corinthian congregation, their conversion by Paul, their straying from his teachings and adopting the teachings of other ‘missionaries’ and then their return to Paul’s flock. Throughout the show Paul, Peter and James were portrayed as human leaders of the ‘movement’ and personal conflicts were highlighted.

Now they’re playing The Kingdom of David, the Saga of the Israelites so I’m going to wander in to watch…


New site software, generic layout, etc.

So I’ve finally updated the site and new weblog software to boot.

Default template for now, will evolve into something (hopefully nice). I’m quite happy with the default generic minimalist look for right now but we’ll see what happens.

Links will no longer be posted to the main page here, maybe they’ll find their way into a separate page somehow. I might even clean them out of the archives. They were turning into the only content here and while I’ll never be the verbose daily blogger I’d at least like to put some worthwhile content up here. You’re still encouraged to add your links, even if they are blatently self promotional, they’ll just be subject to the terms mentioned previously. And yes, I’m aware of the CSS problems on that page, again, when I have time.