
EQuill has a great deal of promise, especially if they continue to offer a free service for light use. Imagine if clients, friends and family used it for some of those situations where you just gotta see what they are talking about. A few problems though – even though the barrier to entry is pretty low it is still too high for the general user – they have to know how to install it, they have to understand the concept of markup because it is a bit foreign to the way the computer normally works and they have to master such concepts as right click. What do you think?



I’m sick. So I’m not exactly thinking clearly. Maybe its the OTC medicine…


Silver Sings

More of the cat. Caught her at the right moment.

praise_the_lord-button (2k image)



Concious computers and the like

Well, thats the title anyway, the article describes an interesting side effect of applying genetic algorithims to FPGAs. What struck me was the simplicity described, while the implications might be large the starting point is quite small. Nevertheless, an interesting read.


Silver the Cat

Here is Silver the Cat.

pretty_kitty (18k image)

Michelle is always bugging me for pictures of Silver to share so I’ll try and put lots up 🙂
