Bookmarks for February 23rd

  • The Seven Habits of Highly Depolarizing People – The American Interest – <blockquote>How to make friends and influence people on the other side of the aisle. </blockquote>
  • Using EMET to Disable EMET « Threat Research | FireEye Inc – <blockquote>Microsoft's Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, EMET, adds security mitigations beyond what's built into the operating system, but attackers are sometimes able to bypass it.


  • Sysdig | 50 Shades of System Calls – <blockquote>The spectrogram is great at showing patterns and outliers in the behavior of a system or application. But until now you are left to your own devices to troubleshoot “what is causing this spot in the chart”?With a little more work, I was able to include it in csysdig, sysdig’s command line ncurses UI, and also enhance it to be more useful.</blockquote>

Bookmarks for February 21st through February 22nd

These are my links for February 21st through February 22nd:


Bookmarks for February 6th