Bookmarks for December 19th
Bookmarks for December 14th
- Bird Buggy –
- HomePage –
- Recreating the sounds of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop –
- Premier Cloud Hosting –
- The Infinite Jukebox –
- Human Brain Is Wired for Harmony | Wired Science | –
- What is the psychology behind/reason for hearing, say, a Major chord and ‘knowing’ it is ‘happy? and ‘knowing’ a minor chord sounds ‘sad’? Or hearing a Dominant 7th Chord and wanting it to resolve? : AskReddit –
- Using wp-cli for Fun and Profit | Wptuts+ –
- Tarsnap – Online backups for the truly paranoid –
- Germany’s Incredible Hanging Railway –
- | Chicago Based VPS and Dedicated Servers –
- Blogging Platform for Hackers –
- Lab mice: Are they limiting our understanding of human disease? – Slate Magazine –
- The Web engineer’s online toolbox –
- DIY – Create Your Own Bokeh | –