
Soupault (soup-oh) is a tool that helps you create and manage static websites.

It’s best described as a robotic webmaster. Like a human webmaster, it understands HTML, but doesn’t get tired of editing it. You can tell it to do things like insert the HTML from footer.html after the last element in the page .

Traditionally, there was a dichotomy between unlimited possibilities of handwritten Web 1.0 pages and convenience of “cookie cutter” tools (CMSes and classic static site generators). People often had to add JavaScript to non-interactive pages if they wanted a good table of contents, syntax highlighting and so on. Soupault removes that dichotomy: it can do all the DOM manipulation you could do with JavaScript, but the result is a static page.

It can generate complete pages from a “theme” and content files, automatically modify existing pages, and extract site metadata.