Bedrock – Rock-solid distributed data
Bedrock is a simple, modular, WAN-replicated data foundation for global-scale applications. Taking each of those in turn:
Bedrock is simple. This means it exposes the fewest knobs necessary, with appropriate defaults at every layer.
Bedrock is modular. This means its functionality is packaged into separate “plugins” that are decoupled and independently maintainable.
Bedrock is WAN-replicated. This means it is designed to endure the myriad real-world problems that occur across slow, unreliable internet connections.
Bedrock is a data foundation. This means it is not just a simple database that responds to queries, but rather a platform on which data-processing applications (like databases, job queues, caches, etc) can be built.
Bedrock is for global-scale applications. This means it is built to be deployed in a geo-redundant fashion spanning many datacenters around the world.