
Yay! I’ve finally upgraded the Gallery software and I’ve started adding a bunch of stuff. I’ve already uploaded some pics from the Hall Build, I’ve got a ton more of those to go along with pics of my new (old) house and older pics of family and friends. So Check It Out!.

I’ve also tossed in some misc pics that I find amusing, YMMV due to my somewhat twisted sense of humor. Heres one, with no idea of who should get credit, titled Unsuspecting Innocents:

Unsuspecting Innocents


And Recently I’ve Been…

…working lots. Thats because I’ve started my own company with my buddy Chad.

I’m proud to announce ClonePC and Clone Solutions. ClonePC provides high quality computers and Clone Solutions designs and programs websites. We’ve both been doing these kinds of things for years as a sort of hobby and on the side, now we’ve made it official. So far things are taking off pretty good, we can always use more work but we aren’t starving yet.


Kingdom Hall flooded with sewage.

Our Kingdom Hall (W. Oakey) was flooded with sewage over the weekend due to a problem with the City / County mains. Damage estimates start at $100,000, with the possibility of the building being a total loss.

Witnesses immediately responded to help clean and try to mitigate damage while decisions are being made as to what to do with the hall.

Thumbnails of brothers and sisters gathered to remove contaminated material from hall.


Is this email legit?

A friend forwarded this to me and asked if I thought it was a good deal:



> Windows XP

> Professional 2002

> $50

> Retail price: $270.99

> Our low Price: $50.00

> You Save: $220.00

These guys appear to be selling pirated software or even worse, collecting credit card numbers.

I dug through my archive of ‘Spam’ and found several messages from them. Several things tell me something is wrong with this deal.

Biggest is their pricing. While Windows XP for $60 is almost believeable, Office XP, Photoshop and Pagemaker at those prices isn’t.

Another is the way they create their links. Rolling over the link with my mouse in my email program shows a link like this:


Notice the beginning of the link looks like it is a Yahoo store, a nice respectable business. However, you end up at the sitting out there at the end of the link. Why would they try to hide that?

A third way is a little more technical, I looked up their registration information. You can go to and enter in the look up box. It returns the name and address of the company that registered that domain. In this case, it is:

Registrant Name: Alexander Popov

Registrant Organization: CDATLOW

Registrant Address1: Parking St

Registrant City: New York

Registrant State/Province: NY

Registrant Postal Code: 12345

Registrant Country: United States

Registrant Country Code: US

Registrant Phone Number: +1.18002560912

Registrant Email:

Several things wrong here, can you spot them? No street address for Parking St. Zip code looks a little suspect, what are the chances that they are in zip code 12345? And I happen to know that is a Russian equivalent to, why would a legitimate business be using a free email service from Russia?

Lastly, I can’t connect to their website, I bet someone else has complained to their webhost and they’ve been disconnected.

As a rule, I ignore all offers from spam or unsolicted email. I get too much that is like this, looking very much like a scam, to even trust ones that look legit from all angles. Unless you get an offer from a company you directly signed up with, I’d reccomend trashing it.