- The Irregular Verbs – -glowed. Wear-wore may inspire swear-swore, but tear-tore does not inspire stare-store. This chaos is a legacy of the Indo-Europeans, the remarkable prehistoric tribe whose language took over most of Europe a
- Flask + mod_uwsgi + Apache + Continuum’s Anaconda | Entrepreneurial Geekiness –
- 20 Book Recommendations from Billionaire Charlie Munger That will Make you Smarter | Farnam Street – Fiasco:
Day: December 11, 2014
RT @TWCBreaking “JUST IN: Unofficial 147-mph gust…

RT @TWCBreaking “JUST IN: Unofficial 147-mph gust atop Mt. Lincoln near Truckee, CA at 9am PST. #MonsterStorm http://t.co/qFirRNXzki”
Bookmarks for December 10th through December 11th
These are my links for December 10th through December 11th:
- Announcing Snappy Ubuntu | Cloud | Ubuntu –
- Call Me Maybe: FoundationDB vs. Jepsen –
- Running the New Jepsen Test –
- ept/hermitage –
- Multi-Model Database — FoundationDB –
- EQ and Compression Techniques Pt.2: Drums – Audiofanzine –
- Speeding Up PostgreSQL With Partial Indexes | Heap Blog –